
The place You Ought to Not Place Your Dumpster Rental

Dumpster Rental Service Columbus Ohio

When it comes to trailer dumpster rental in Columbus Ohio, placement is critical. Whether you’re cleaning out your basement or preparing for a renovation project, you need to be sure your dumpster is in an area that’s safe and not subject to legal issues. While your driveway is typically the obvious choice for dumpster placement, sometimes that isn’t possible. Here are three places to stay away from when placing a dumpster rental.


Empty dumpsters can seem fine on a slope. They may appear to be solidly fixed on the ground, but you’ll find that changes as you or your crew continue to pile heavy materials inside. The more weight the dumpster bears, the more likely it becomes that the dumpster will begin to slide down the incline. This problem becomes more likely during winter, when ice may form on the street.


Putting your dumpster over the property line is a recipe for litigation and worsened relationships between you and your neighbor. It raises issues about who is responsible for hazardous materials or harmful activity and is generally just a rude thing to do.

You should also find out what permits are needed to place dumpsters on city streets in your area. You may need a paid permit to allow the dumpster to stay on the road for more than 24 hours. Even when placing a permitted dumpster on the street, it’s still courteous to let your neighbors know what’s going on for everyone’s peace of mind.


Not many people know what’s going on underground beneath their property. Things like underground sprinklers or a septic tank can result in softer-than-expected ground, which isn’t suitable to handle the weight of a dumpster loaded.

Let Rent a Dumpster Take Care of Placement

At Next Day Dumpsters, we consider the things you might not — like where we can place your dumpster for optimal safety and with all appropriate legal requirements — no matter which size dumpster you need, we can figure out how to make it work.

Call Rent A Dumpster at 614-870-7447 to get all your questions answered and schedule your dumpster rental today!